Monday, December 31, 2012

Building QtMobility 1.2 on Mac OS X Lion

After a lot of pain and time I found that under Lion, QtMobility can't be compiled because it reverts to LLVM instead of GCC, giving the following error:
 ld: file not found: QtDBus.framework/Versions/4/QtDBus for architecture x86_64.  
I don't know why exactly, but I found a workaround to use GCC and it works fine. What I saw is that if you want to compile only a part of QtMobility, instead of the whole framework, it gives you this error with other Qt modules too, not just with QtDBus. Normally you should run the following steps to do a build:
  • Open a console and type: git clone git://
  • Once download has completed, you can build it using ./configure, make and make install (don't do it now)
  • Even if after the configure script has done its work you do qmake -spec /usr/local/Qt4.8/mkspecs/macx-g++, it just changes the compiler in the parent Makefile, and not in the rest of children projects (Bearer, Contacts, Multimedia ...). You should repeat it manually for each QtMobility module, or..
To do it in one move, open the script, locate the following lines:
   if [ `uname -s` = "${match}" ]; then  
     QMKSPEC="-spec macx-g++"  
     if [[ `gcc --version` =~ .*llvm.* ]]; then  
       QMKSPEC="-spec macx-llvm"  
       QMKSPEC="-spec macx-g++"  
     echo "QMAKESPEC = "$QMKSPEC >> "$CONFIG_IN"  
and change them to:
   if [ `uname -s` = "${match}" ]; then  
     QMKSPEC="-spec macx-g++"  
     #if [[ `gcc --version` =~ .*llvm.* ]]; then  
     #  QMKSPEC="-spec macx-llvm"  
     #  QMKSPEC="-spec macx-g++"  
     echo "QMAKESPEC = "$QMKSPEC >> "$CONFIG_IN"  

Good coding!

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Since until now Qt under Windows is binary compatible with minGW-4.4, and this version seems disappeared from mingw site, I decided to share it as a free download. I grabbed it from trolltech ftp, so I'm just mirroring it for easy finding on the web.

Good coding!!